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MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough fears Trump will be the next US president ‘unless things change’

Updated Jun 28, 2024, 10:03am EDT
politicsmediaNorth America
Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski on the set of Friday’s edition of Morning Joe.
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MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough — an ardent supporter of US President Joe Biden — questioned whether the Democrat would survive a second showdown against Donald Trump in November, becoming one of the most prominent voices to air concerns about Biden’s candidacy. He’s also a commentator that Biden is known to hold in uniquely high regard himself, making him one of the most important bellwethers to watch.

Former US President Donald Trump will be the president of the country “unless things change,” Scarborough said following the televised presidential campaign debate that has plunged Democrats into crisis mode.

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The Morning Joe host criticized Biden’s difficulty staying on track during Thursday night’s debate and his inability to effectively counter Trump’s remarks.


“Donald Trump lied over and over and over and over again. And Joe Biden couldn’t respond to any of those lies,” Scarborough said. “He couldn’t fact check anything Donald Trump said. Not only that, he missed one lay-up after another after another.”

Scarborough, who opened his remarks Friday morning by reiterating that he felt Biden was a hugely effective president, added that the Democrats needed to go to “war” against a second Trump term. Of the debate, he added: “This is like losing a major battle. Is it panic after a war where a major battle is lost to say… ‘we don’t know if this general is up to leading the troops the rest of the way?’”

Scarborough is the latest figure amongst the liberal media to question Biden’s ability to steer the Democrats towards a win in November. On Thursday, prominent columnists and pundits said they hoped Biden would step aside and make room for a new nominee to be selected at the August Democratic National Convention.


Biden’s advanced age and ability to win against Trump has been an oft-discussed issue for months.