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‘A historic opportunity’: What’s needed for a just transition over climate change

May 26, 2023, 10:16am EDT

Rajiv Shah, the President of the Rockefeller Foundation, has a particular focus on ensuring the energy transition is “just”. What does that mean? And what are the risks if it isn’t? He explains.

Prashant Rao said:

Hey Raj — now still a good time?

Raj Shah said:

Hi Prashant. Let’s roll.

Prashant Rao said:

Where are you at the moment?

Raj Shah said:

At our The Rockefeller Foundation’s office in Washington, where we just finished a board meeting for the Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet.

Prashant Rao said:

Aha interesting. We ask folks to send us a selfie — can you send me one?

Raj Shah said:

Prashant Rao said:

Nice, thanks.

Prashant Rao said:

Let’s get to it. Underlying GEAPP is this idea of the “just transition,” right. I’m curious what are some of the key policies you’d advocate for countries to help ensure this kind of just transition?

Raj Shah said:

For energy transitions to be just, they need to be able to build the enabling environment as they lift up people. At a policy level, the goals have to be inclusive economic growth and universal energy access. That’s why in the Global Energy Alliance’s MOUs with Indonesia, Vietnam, and South Africa, for example, we include not just ways to crowd in new sources of capital but also ways to help workers re-skill and entrepreneurs succeed.

Prashant Rao said:

So what are the risks for communities and countries if they mishandle the energy transition, within the US and abroad — if it isn’t just?

Raj Shah said:

There are a couple risks of mishandling energy transitions. We will blow past the climate goals, including the 2 and 3 degree thresholds, which will mean massive loss, suffering, and instability especially for the most vulnerable. We would also blow a historic opportunity to include the 3.6 billion people who live in energy poverty into the global economy.

Prashant Rao said:

One more question: To end our chat on a positive note, what place is doing a good job of shepherding a ‘just transition’ at the moment?

Raj Shah said:

Always good to end on a positive note! GEAPP is working in 19 countries right now, each has its own complicating factors as well as its unique opportunities.

Raj Shah said:

Here is one example of why this matters. The last time I was in Northern Nigeria was just after Boko Haram terrorists kidnapped a group of young school girls. Local leaders then told me their number one need was electricity to plug into the modern economy and create jobs. For more than a decade, nothing happened. However, today, thanks to the work of the GEAPP and many others on the ground, they are building 40 to 50 solar mini-grids to connect communities all across the region to electricity.

Prashant Rao said:

That’s really thoughtful, thanks Raj.

Raj Shah said:

Thanks for a great conversation, Prashant. Appreciate your interest!

Prashant Rao said:

Have a great rest of your day!